Released this past October, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus is a blockbuster video game in which the protagonist, William Joseph “B.J.” Blazkowicz, is a hardened Texas Jew who fights the Nazis who, sadly, have taken over the land of the free. This being the game’s premise, it was heavily censored in Germany, where displaying Nazi iconography is still largely verboten; the game’s designers went as far as to scrub the famous little mustache off of you-know-who’s face, as if a bit of upper lip plumage may immediately incite longings for the Third Reich. The game was outright banned in Israel, not by the government but by its American publisher, Bethesda Softworks, which decided that all that sieg heiling would be too much for the tender folk of the Jewish state.
Amused and outraged, a small band of Israeli game developers created a game of their own. Entitled Wolfenstache: The New Censorship, it’s a free browser-based game featuring a Jewish protagonist armed with Star-of-David-shaped sights shooting at—could it be any different?—the Fuhrer’s mustache.